Audition for opera La Cenerentola nl
Auditions for opera production La Cenerentola in Belgium
Application deadline: 15 March 2024
Auditions for opera production La Cenerentola in Belgium
Application deadline: 15 March 2024
Slotgala laureaten galaconcert van de IX. Internationale Muziekwedstrijd Triomphe de l’Art.
Als u winnaars in 2 disciplines Snaarinstrumenten (viool, altviool, cello) en Kamermuziekensembles live wilt horen tijdens het slotconcert van het concours, bent u van harte welkom op het Concertzaal van het Muziekinstrumentenmuseum Brussel op 17 februari 2023 (zaterdag) om 15.00 uur.
International vocal masterclass Triomphe de l’Art on 2-4 November 2023.
The masterclass is given by an amazing vocal teacher Maestro Daniel Ottevaere.
3 or 4 lessons of 45 minutes with Maestro and pianist.
Application deadline : 1 October 2023
Early birds reduced application price : 1 August 2023
Do not miss the unique opportunity to improve your vocal technique and interpretation with the world famous soprano and the renowned professor at Hochschule Hanns Eisler in Berlin, Anna Samuil !
Dates: 25,26 September 2023
Application Deadline: 25 August 2023
Do not miss the unique opportunity to work on your vocal technique and interpretation with a Star of the World Opera, one of today’s most brilliant artists, leading soprano of major Opera Houses all over the world, Nino Machaidze at the exclusive masterclass Triomphe de l’Art in Brussels, Belgium on 9-11 May 2023.
The number of places is limited!
Application Deadline: 8 April 2023
Early birds reduced application price : 8 March 2023
Do not miss the unique opportunity to improve your vocal technique and interpretation with internationally acclaimed soprano with leading opera houses and orchestras, Chen Reiss!
Dates: 26-28 April 2023
Application Deadline: 25 March 2023
Early birds application with reduced price : 15 January 2023