Gala concert of vocal masterclass “TRIOMPHE DE L’ART”

Dear friends!
Hurry up to get tickets for a unique concert “VIVA l’OPERA” with the participation of the young and talented singers Pascaline de Montjoye(Belgium), Ivan Ozerov(Russia), Emira Dakhliya(Russia / Tunisia), Amir Saraevi(Bosnia-Herzegovina), Marta Lukošite(Lituania), Karolina Glinskaite(Lituania) and Julietta Kocharova(Belgium / Russia) under the direction of the Italian maestro Paolo De Napoli.
They will present you the masterpieces of the world classics.
You can buy tickets by making a bank transfer to the account: BE03 5230 8069 5284
Do not forget to put in communication VIVA l’OPERA and your name. You will find your names in the list at the entrance to the concert
We will be happy to see you at the concert!!!
The concert will take place on April 9, 2016 at 18:30 at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Brussels by address rue du Méridien 21 1210 Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode
Tickets: € 10, € 5 (students)
Booking and information: +32479136554, +32488819135