If your prefer apply par e-mail, please note that all the documents should be send by email to: competition@triomphedelart.org.
Application form Opera (English)
Application form Lied duo (English)
Download the application form, fill it in, sign and send us back the scan by email.
Attach to your email:
One or more official documents (originals or certified copies) establishing the candidate’s nationality and date of birth
A short CV in English, French or Dutch (that can be published) including details of education, names of teachers, principal concerts, recitals, and awards
Candidate must send to the competition one photo of good quality (minimum 300 dpi) for reproduction in the official brochure of the competition. It should be taken not earlier than 6 months before the application. He/she must also send another color passport photo in format 3×4
Copies of diplomas of winners, publications in the press, concert reviews, etc… if applicable.
Proof of payment for the application fee (screenshot from the Internet Bank is accepted)